Facts about me

As I am new to running a business, I thought it might be nice to get to know each other a little. So firstly let me share with you why this business is called Chartley Flowers. I’m not sure if any of you have tried to think of a business name. Perhaps some of you have businesses of your own and your business name came about very naturally, but I actually found it really difficult. Mostly because a lot of the names I thought of were already taken! So I went back to the beginning and thought about where my love of flowers started.

It started in my childhood home. We had a lovely garden and as a child on a Saturday afternoon I would help our gardener pull out the weeds and rake the leaves off our lawn. He loved nature, and would try to teach me the names of the flowers and birds in the garden. I must confess the only flower I remember is ‘forget-me-nots’ but every time I see a red robin I think of him. My mother also loves flowers, and has a talent for making everything look beautiful, especially a bunch of supermarket flowers. She would buy these if we were having guests over, and arrange them simply in a vase. This act would elevate her dining or coffee table, adding a little colour and elegance to the room. On Christmas eve my sisters and I would often go out into the garden to cut branches and leaves off the trees so she could spray paint them silver and gold, in order to make a table arrangement for the following day. It was in this home that my love of flowers started, and the name of our house was called Chartley.

Now about me, I love roses. Specifically white roses, but all big, glorious, ruffly roses will do. So in nearly all of my bouquets you will find a rose. I also love potatoes (chips and roasties are best), good coffee and fireworks.

If you’d like to know more about me please follow on social media, where I will add updates on the things that I am doing,

